Sunday, September 29, 2019

First Baseball Tournament--Springdale

Jack's new PT team played in their first tournament this weekend. They had some ups and downs and issues with pitching and defense. They ended up losing two pool play games and then played much better on Sunday, but lost a close game, 3-0. Plenty to work on!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Softball Tournament #2 Live, Love, Pitch

The girls played in their second softball tournament this weekend and they lost all their games. It was a learning tournament for sure. They did have some good points, including Kate's inside the park home run that almost won the first bracket game. Elizabeth made a double play by catching a pop up and running to second to get a runner that took off. Anna also got a runner out at third.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Laura's 42nd Birthday

I had a nice birthday this year! The kids were off school, so I was able to get an early run in (finally starting to run a little since the boot has come off) and short bike ride. I enjoyed lunch with a few friends at Olive Garden (I love their soup and salad) and then took Jack to golf practice and dinner at the Blessings.
At lunch, Melissa L. gave me this unicorn which was so fitting considering I learned I made the cut to run Boston the day before. Jennifer gave me blue goodr sunglasses--Boston colors!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tulsa Golf

Jack played well in Tulsa today. Lowest round for 18 holes.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Nutcracker 2019!

 The girls had auditions a few weeks ago and were excited to be casted as polichinelles this year. It will be a new choreography and slightly different costume this time.