Jack had a good day. His Boys and Girls Team won their game and is undefeated. They are ranked #1 with one other undefeated team that they will face next weekend. This league has a tournament in two weeks with seeded teams! Jack has had a lot of fun playing on this team, and definitely learned a ton from some really good players. He has scored a basket in a few of the games.
The Upward league is a little less strict with rules. The boys are not quite as good and Jack is really aggressive on the team. He scored 10 points in his game today. That is the most he has ever scored in one game. If you ask him, he will tell you he only made four baskets though, because one of the baskets he made, he stole the ball and broke away and scored, but the referee told him he couldn't steal the ball from a player on the other team he is not guarding. I told him his mother still counts the points! This league doesn't keep score or have a tournament.
Upward League
He is running here in the front of the picture.
Here is one of his shots. This one actually didn't go in, though.
Girls are getting better at watching the games (popcorn helps!)
Kate, especially was intrigued with this car.