Saturday, March 12, 2016

Basketball Tournament

The end of the year tournament stated today. Jack's team played at 8 am this morning. They were leading the entire game until the last two minutes when the other team went ahead by one point. Right after the basket, Jack took the ball up the court and scored. Neither team scored again from that point, so Jack's team won 21-20. Jack played the best he has played all year. He entered the game in the second quarter and within 30 seconds, he had scored twice. He finished the game with 9 points, 3 which were free throws. The team played the number 2 ranked team later on in the day and got beat 3-30! Jack didn't play too much, but he did make one free throw. It was a fun season. These boys learned a lot and had a lot of fun. We really liked his coaches, too.

Gavin and Jack

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