Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Indiana Dunes

We drove to the Indiana dunes to spend the day. Although the water temperature was very cold (69*), the kids all swam and had a great time playing in the sand and walking up the dunes. On the way home, we stopped in Hudson, IN for pizza at Gangsta's Grille--an old bank that is now a restaurant. It is rumored Al Capone visited the bank. There was a nightly euchre game when we got home.

building sand castles with Grandmom

top of the dunes

It took a few people to figure out how to close up these chairs!
 I set up the baby tent for Lauren, but she didn't use it

 I think everyone got in the lake except John, Neil and me. It was too cold!

 Baby Lauren's first time in the sand

Nightly euchre game

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