Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Dress Rehersal

Grandmom and Granddad came to visit today! Grandmom brought her dresses she made for the girls' first communion. Anna's dress is Grandmom's First Communion dress that Grandmother made for her. It is over 60 years old. Grandmom had to make a slip to Anna to wear and fix up some of the lace. She also made her veil. Elizabeth is wearing my old dress that Grandmom made over 30 years ago. She had to modify it slightly. She also made her veil. Grandmom made Kate's dress and veil. Kate had Grandmother's lace from her wedding dress on her veil. All three dresses have lace from Grandmom's wedding dress on them. I love that they are all different and the girls adore the dresses. They are ready for their First Communion in a few weeks! I just love their smiles on their faces in these pictures!

 Aunt Sarah was teaching in Oklahoma, so she drove over to us to see everyone! Elizabeth loves her Fairy Godmother

 I found pictures of my First Communion

 Elizabeth did not want to take off her dress!

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