Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Story~40 Miles 40 Years

It all started on a Friday morning in March. On a 5 am run to be specific. I was running with a group of girls and we were talking about birthdays. One girl told us she was turning 40 in September (like me). She said she was looking for a marathon to run on her 40th birthday. That’s cool. I thought, but I have run marathons. Six, to be exact. Run 40 miles on my 40th birthday, popped into my head...I quickly dismissed it. Then, for the next mile or so, I had to think about it. A few minutes later, I said it out loud, “Maybe I’ll run 40 miles on my 40th birthday.” That could be cool, but I really wasn’t sure I could or would do it. 
Later that afternoon, I was still thinking about the 40 miles so I googled it and saw I was not the only [crazy] person to think about doing this. I read a few blogs about people that did this. I saw someone dedicated each mile for each year of life to a person (or people) or an event. I liked that idea. I got a text from a friend (Beth Lunde) about running plans for the next morning and I admitted I was still thinking about running 40 miles. “Do, it.” She texted back.

This September, I’ve set a goal to run 40 miles on my 40th birthday…

But why?
I ran cross country and track in high school as a way to keep in shape for gymnastics which was my primary sport. After high school and college, I struggled with consistent running due to old gymnastics injuries, but did as much as I could endure. It was specifically after I had the triplets, during the last decade, that I became a true runner and fell in love with the sport. My time to myself was significantly limited during the time immediately after the babies were born, and so, if I had a chance to exercise, I ran. The simplicity of it, the mental clarity it brings, the physical challenge of it, and more recently, the camaraderie with other runners has kept me in love with it. For myself, I’ve found the cycles of anxiety and stress I’ve dealt with in life have been alleviated with running. It is a perfect time to feel God through nature. When I am not with other runners, I typically pray the Rosary in thanksgiving for His love and all I have been given. To me, running is the ultimate religion, companion, and drug. I find myself at peace and with a clear mind following a good run.
I’ve completed 6 marathons , and countless half marathon races, but I never felt that any of these was my greatest running accomplishment. Maybe it’s because marathons are so common these days and so many people are running them that there are lotteries just to enter. I felt like it was just not enough on my 40th… 

Here are my other reasons for attempting 40 miles on my 40th
  • To see what my 4 decade old body is capable of
  • Hopefully feeling a gigantic runner’s high (which is ultimately the best feeling in the world)
  • Becoming a hero in my children’s eyes
  • Inspiring friends and family to aim for bigger goals

        I began my training for 40 miles in mid-April, running around 50 miles per week/200 miles per month...and continued through the Arkansas summer heat and humidity. Many back-to-back days of long runs. Many runs starting between 4-4:30 am to try to escape some of the heat--a least for the first part of the run. Many runs with some really great friends to support me--getting up at 4 am to meet me outside... I've made it through every mile of my training program so far and completed more 20+ mile runs in the last few months than I completed in my entire life. My taper will begin at the beginning of September.

I decided to do my 40 miles on the Sunday prior to my actual birthday so I can have those people most important with me when I start, and when I finish…Come join me if you can. I anticipate that I will cover 40 miles over the course of 8-9 hours - to include the walks, meals, bathroom breaks and CAKE...if you would like to join me for a SLOW jog (10-12 minute miles), ride your bike alongside for a set number of miles, or walk a mile or two with me I would be overjoyed!  The plan is to start my journey at 4:30 am and go until complete. I have set a 10 mile course from my house that I will start with and do twice. After I complete my first 20 miles, I plan to do 5 miles for those that want a shorter distance, then 1, 2 and 2 mile courses taking me to 30 miles. I will finish with two 5 mile loops that will bring me to 40 miles and right in front of my house. I will commemorate the gifts that 40 years have given me and remember those who have been part of the accumulation of years…running each mile in honor of someone or something that has moved me. 
The list below incorporates the people and events that are amongst some of the most important, most inspiring, most influential people that I know. I want to thank all of you for being such a beautiful and memorable part of my life. Either you have been part of some terrific memory for me, I admire you for your strength, or I simply enjoy your company and friendship. I will need your strength, your laughter, your friendship to make this happen. I want to be able to enter my 40's with an appreciation for the gifts and individuals who have been part of my first 40 years, and hopeful in some part of the next 40!
You may not be able to join me, but know that I have a mile dedicated to you....and you will be in my thoughts and prayers on Sunday.

Mile 1: my mom who gave me life

Mile 2: my Dad who had a little something to do with it, I think ;-)

Mile 3: Jack--the first life I was able to share in completely

Mile 4: Anna-my graceful dancer and leader of the pack

Mile 5: Elizabeth-my smart little blue-eyed loving little bean

Mile 6: Kate-full of energy and spunk, my firecracker keeping me on my toes with the biggest heart

Mile 7: My big sister Julie, and her family-I looked up to her growing up, now and always.  I Love this family

Mile 8: My big brother, Neil and his family-the sweetest, most caring family

Mile 9: My baby sister Sarah and her family-Always inspiring in everything they do-pushing the limit and encouraging me to step out of the box

Mile 10: Scudder family-you give and give and have always been there to support us. 


Mile 11: Cindy and Jake-biggest hearts, lots of love for these two

Mile 12: Frazier family-The most relaxed, gentle family--teaching me patience and beautiful girls are excellent role models for my girls

Mile 13: Mimi and Papa- Thankful for loving me as their own daughter--and my BFF

Mile 14: Mike and Carol-always there for me, encouraging me and the kids

Mile 15: Mary and John-what can I say? They are the most generous people in my life. Loving all of us

Mile 16: The Durhams--wonderful people

Mile 17: Grandparents and cousins- family is forever

Mile 18: Lesley Darnall- Sharing so many miles, so many stories and celebrating those miles together. Couldn’t ask for a better friend.

Mile 19: Amy Jones- grounded and faithful, a wise and beautiful example of generosity and humility.

Mile 20: Shaina Sadow and Ron Hundas-logging the miles so early in the morning with me

Mile 21: Lori and Jon Terlow and the morning DAC PAC- many memories together with miles of hills and finish lines. Beth Lunde--encouraged me from the start that this could be done—a.k.a. the run enabler.  And, past running buddies: Maria Ellinger, Lisa Groves, Heidi Schauss—logging the miles from so far away. And RUSH RUNNING for inspiring the love of running in NWA

Mile 22: Madeline and Josh--perfect people at the perfect time

Mile 23: Melissa Gomez, Melissa McFadden, Kim Steed, Amy Sullentrup, Angela Neal, Amy Bell, Ericha Schaffer, Edie Squillace, Melissa McCarty. All my tribe. My NWA family. All these ladies are so important to me! I am so blessed with these friendships. 

Mile 24: Sarah Rumschlag- Once more, a wonderful friendship at just the right time

Mile 25: Catherine Martinez and Michelle Meuer-Always there for me

Mile 26: US Military

Mile 27: All my moms of multiples near and far--sharing in this experience of raising triplets has been MUCH better because of you!

Mile 28: August 5, 2000 the day that changed my life forever

Mile 29: Lindsay Rushing-what a gift, at just the right time

Mile 30: Glenbrook neighbors—Eve, Courtney and Jeanette- great neighbors, loving people
Mile 31: John and Kathryn Geddert and Twistars teammates --the most amazing, inspirational individuals I have met 

Mile 32: BSU gymnastics teammates and coaches, Mary Roth, Donner Hanson and Wes Waggoner- lifelong friendships, love and support

Mile 33: Express family- funny how life puts people together

Mile 34: SVdP family- what a gift to be part of something so rooted in faith - the individuals, families and community
Mile 35: Marie Lytle-family first, friends forever. My Twin! Sharing the years being a princess together 

Mile 36: Rosemarie Nix, Janet Schipper and Karen Trahin lessons learned

Mile 37: Mary Ann Curran and family- her friendship changed my life!

Mile 38: All the wonderful pediatricians, fellow Vandy pediatric nurse practitioners and peds nurses I have worked with throughout the years
Mile 39: College roommates Liz Billerman and Courtney Graham- Thank God for you both! And yes, I put you at mile 39 for mental toughness!

Mile 40: John who will carry me into the next 40....and who has loved me through the last 23’s to 40!

Pray for me.....for the mental and physical strength to reach each mile and pray for you!

Isaiah 40:31  Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

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