Friday, September 14, 2018

St. Vincent de Paul's Slay the 5K

 We FINALLY were able to have our race! After being cancelled the first spring for flooding and last spring for tornados and lightening and last Friday for a was sunny and mid 90s today so we got to have it! It was at Veterans Park in Rogers near the school. AND, I had a surprise. Jack had arranged for Grandmom and Granddad to come! I didn't have a clue they were coming, either. Jack was pretty proud he was able to keep it from the girls and me. It was so much fun! All the kids and John ran the 5k. Jack finished 6th in his age group and the girls finished first (Kate), second (Elizabeth) and third (Anna) for all female runners! They got swords for finishing in the top three. We raised $10,600 for our school.

 One of our sponsors, Premier Protein came with protein bars and drinks
 We grilled hot dogs and had cookies, bananas, snacks and ice cream. Everything was donated!
 Jack helped with packet pick-up
 The Clark Family
 Some of the 4th grade girls

 The start of the Fun Run
 The start of the 5k

 The girls helped hand out medals 

 Jack's face cracks me up

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