Thursday, October 25, 2018

Last Softball Games

The girls had their last three softball games this week. Monday, they played Thunder and lost a close one, 8-7. Kate had one at-bat, one hit and one run, Anna had one at-bat, one hit and Elizabeth had two at-bats and two hits and one run and two RBIs. Anna pitched. Tuesday they played the gators and we saw the best pitcher we have ever seen pitch that game. Elizabeth had the only hit of the game off the pitcher and Kate had one hit off the coach (one of a few walks the pitcher had the whole game) and Anna did not have any hits that game. They lost 4-2. Elizabeth pitched part of that game. Thursday it was cold and drizzling rain, but they did not cancel the game. They decided to play one inning only and let everyone bat. Kate pitched the game. Elizabeth hit, but was thrown out at first. Kate hit and Anna, the last batter was told to continue running no matter what since the inning would be over. She actually made it home. We won the game 7-4. It was a nice way to finish off the season. Their teacher came to watch the game too, which was really nice.

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