Sunday, June 9, 2019

Broken Arrow Kids Golf

All four kids played in the Kids Golf tournament in Tulsa today. Peepaw caddied for Jack, Geemaw helped Anna, I helped Elizabeth and John caddied for Kate. Jack did not have the best day, but finished better than he started. He finished second (of two) with a 98. Anna was 2nd (63), Kate was 3rd (66) and Elizabeth was 4th (67). Elizabeth whiffed the ball at least 4 times today which didn't help her score at all. This was the first 9 hole tournament for the girls. After the golf, we went to Outback for dinner in Tulsa, then headed home. Jack also played in is first Jr. PGA golf match play last night against Shadow Valley. His threesome got three flags and his First Tee team won.

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