Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cambridge to Harvard Square

We took an uber to 223 Lexington Ave, the duplex we used to live in. We saw a sign on the door that said it was not habitable for humans! The weeds were out of control! Jack got to see his old house, and we even walked down to Fresh Pond, where I used to walk Carter and Jack all the time. Then we walked to Harvard Square through Cambridge. We stopped at St. Peter's church on the way. This is where Jack was baptized! We toured the Law school, saw the library and commons, then walked to the main campus and book store. The kids picked up some t-shirts and we ate dinner at Boarder Cafe--an old favorite of ours. Then we took an uber back to the hotel.

St. Peter's Church

Law Review

Inside the Law School

Boarder Cafe

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