Tuesday, January 7, 2020

5th Grade Spirit Night, SVdP vs. Prism

It was 5th grade spirit night and the boys played Prism. Prism beat us the first time we played them, but tonight the St. Vincent boys were ready to play. They were beating them 1-2 points the entire game until the last minute of the 4th quarter when Prism scored to tied it up. They starting fouling us (Jack was picked to be fouled because he shoots free throws pretty good). Jack made the first 4 in a row to put us up by 4 with 28 seconds. Then he missed two, and made another two. The other team sunk a 3 with 15 seconds to go. Jack was fouled again with 0.2 seconds but the game was called since we were winning by 3. I was so nervous I couldn't watch him shoot! Multiple people congratulated him after the game, including Prism's coach. They 34-31. Jack had 7 points total.

The girls loved dancing and cheering with their friends.

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