Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Ollie's First Walk

He did great! He made it around the entire block!

 He loves to walk! He does so great on the leash. We made it around the neighborhood. He also went to the vet today and weighed 6.4#. Evening loved him and he was so friendly to the people and dogs. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Cross Country Meet #2

 The girls participated in the fun run mile. They are not allowed to run anymore this year because of their age. But Anna won the mile with a time of 6:49, Elizabeth was 3rd with a 6:51 and Kate was 4th with a 6:53. Jack set a PR almost breaking into the 12s. He was 5th with a 13:01. It was a hilly course, so it was a  great race for him.

Oh Ollie!

 He likes to sleep right on my neck!

Friday, September 25, 2020

SVdP Golf Match #3

 The kids played at The Links at Bentonville again today against St. Joe. Elizabeth had the low round of 43 and was medalist. Kate and Anna tied for second with 45. The girls team won. Jack was medalist with 30 (par was 32) and the boys team also won.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Granddad's Surgery

Grandad had some testing last week in Houston and it was determined that a shunt would help his hydrocephalus. He is going in today for the surgery. 

 This is after he got home and had Grandmom shave the rest of his head!

Birthday Dinner with Friends

 I went to dinner with some friends tonight. Three of us celebrated birthdays this week. It was a nice evening out!



Sunday, September 20, 2020

Tulsa Tournament #5 Bailey Ranch Golf Club

Jack had a terrible week, but the girls did better. Kate had an 8 on the last hole so she didn't finish as well as the other two.


Friday, September 18, 2020

Girls' Singing in Mass

The girls spent the last two weeks singing at school mass. I was able to listen through the live stream. They did a nice job. They were asked to sign at a Sunday mass in October. 


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Paradise Valley Golf Club--SVdP Tournament # 2

I had David Beach come to take photographs of the kids playing today at Paradise Valley. It was a scramble with St. Joseph's. Jack and Braden won the men's scramble with 40, Anna and Elizabeth won the women's with a 46, Kate and Carson were just behind the leaders of the mixed (3rd) with a score of 48. The winners scored 46. It was a long course, especially for the girls, but playing a scramble was a nice change of pace for everyone. The pictures are great.