Saturday, September 12, 2020

Boston Virtual Marathon

Well, it was not on the streets of Boston, but I made the most of it. I started at 3:40 am with Emily and Margaret. Emily ran the first 10 miles and then we met Colleen and she ran 2 more before we met other Boston qualifiers at 6 am at Rush Running. We ran down the trail until we hit 26.2 miles. The girls met us at the end with Madie  (and Ollie) because John and Jack were at the AJGA tournament. I felt so good the whole race. I have never ran a marathon and felt that good. I usually hit a wall around 20-22 miles and have to walk a bit. I finished with Grant and my last few miles were on hills and fast! My time was 3:43:10. For such a hot, humid morning, it was a great experience. 


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