Saturday, June 5, 2021

AAU District Track Meet, Arkansas

The girls and Aunt Sarah and I drove to Little Rock today to compete in the District track meet. It was an overcast, drizzly day. Anna set a PR (about 8 seconds) in the 1500 with a time of 5:24.97 and 800 just a second from her PR with a time of 2:42:26. She finished first in her age group for both events and qualified for Regionals. Elizabeth was second in the 1500 with a time of 5:48:86 and second in the 800 with a time of 2:47:45 (a PR of about 9 seconds). She also qualified to Regionals. Kate was the final leg of the 4x100 and her team won that event with a time of 59:55. She was second in the 400 (1:10.51), a PR of about 2 seconds. She also ran the 800 and finished third (2:28:83). She will compete in the relay and 800 in Regionals. The 400 is on a day that we are in Tulsa for a Ballet intensive. 

Kate in the 4x100. Last leg

Elizabeth in the 1500

Anna in the 1500

Kate in the 400

Kate in the 400

Kate in the 400

Elizabeth in the 1500
Anna in the 1500
Kate finishing the 4x100

Elizabeth in 1500
Elizabeth in 1500

4x100 finish

Kate in 400

Anna in 1500
4x100 finish

4x100 finish

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