Sunday, August 29, 2021

Tulsa Kids Golf #2- Mohawk Park Golf

The girls played today but Jack had to stay behind for a Confirmation meeting. Kate played by herself with no caddie and had a low score of 79 (38/41) and finished 2nd. Anna had an 87 and Elizabeth had a 92.


Saturday, August 28, 2021

Pointe Shoes!

After 9 years of ballet, the girls were recommended for pointe shoes. They were excited to meet Ms. Caitlyn to try on and find the correct ones. They all ended up with different styles and sizes! They had to sew on their elastic and ribbons which was a learning experience. But they all did their own with just a little help from me.


Friday, August 27, 2021

Art Boxes

Elizabeth and Kate bought these boxes with their Target gift card and today they painted them!