Saturday, August 21, 2021

Girls Turn 12!

The girls started the day with a 6 mile run in the rain with mom and coach Lunde and the last mile was the fastest at 7:59! They wanted to bike 6 miles, but they had to wait until the afternoon to ride and Jack went with them. Then the girls went to Target to spend their gift cards. Kate bought slime and stuffed animals, a wood box to paint, gum ball machine and paints. Elizabeth bought a wood box to paint and paints, a shirt and split a foot spa with Anna. Anna bought a purple sweater, the spa with Elizabeth and oil and diffuser for her room. After Target, we met John and Jack and Coach Mike at Top Golf for lunch and golf. It was a fun day. After mass, the girls picked Chili's for dinner. Then we had ice cream cake (Anna), white cake (Elizabeth) and cheesecake (Kate). 


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