Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Track Meet #4 Gravette

The girls had their last track meet before conference tonight. It was a long one and we didn't finish until after 10pm! Anna was second in the 1600m with a 5:37.01, a few seconds off her PR. She was 3rd in the 800m behind Helen and Gabbie with a 2:36.14, a few seconds off her PR as well. She and Kate ran the 4x400m and set a school record! They finished second with a 4:37.75. Kate did the triple jump with a jump of 28-11, a few inches from her PR. She finished 14th. She also ran the 400m and finished 4th with a 1:08.88 a few seconds from her PR. She set a PR in the 100m with a time of 14.25 and finished 20th. Elizabeth was 5th in the 1600m with a 6:02.02. This is close to her indoor PR, but the fastest 1600m this outdoor track season. She was 7th in the 800m with a 2:46.28, a few seconds from her PR. The girls team finished 2nd out of 25 teams! They lost first by 1.5 points!


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