Thursday, December 1, 2022

Dress Rehearsal #2, St. Joe vs. SVdP

What a busy evening! The girls had an orthodontic appointment after school and then went straight to the St. Joe game to play until it was time to leave for Nutcracker Rehearsal. They didn't start because they missed practice on Tuesday for Nutcracker rehearsals. They went into the game after 1 minute, 20 seconds. The score was 0-2 St. Joe. They all played until half-time. They left at half-time and the score was 13-5, SVdP. Elizabeth scored 4, Anna scored 5, and Kate scored 2. SVdP ended up losing the game, 24-17. We rushed out at half-time and grandmom helped get the girls hair and make-up done on the way there. It was a rush to get them all ready and at Arend Arts Center on time, but we made it!


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