Saturday, January 14, 2023

Arkansas High School Invitational

The girls competed in a huge meet at the University of Arkansas today. It had over 3600 runners competing from all over the United States. All were high school athletes. The girls were able to get into the meet because their coach, Mike Rush had connections to the U of A. Anna ran the mile (full mile--not the 1600m), Kate ran the 800m, and Elizabeth ran the 3000m. Anna ran in the last heat of the mile and ran a time of 5:43.05. The mile is about 2-3 seconds slower than the 1600m, so she was fairly close to her times last year (PR is 5:30). She finished second in her heat and 51st out of 126 total runners. We went to lunch after Anna ran and then home for a few hours. We went to mass and headed back for Kate's 800m. She ran in the 6th of 8 heats. She finished second in her heat with a time of 2:32.23. Her PR is 2:30, so it was a good run for her. She did not run until 8 pm! She was 47th out f 114 runners. Elizabeth ran the 3000m with almost a PR of 11:21:28 (Her PR from nationals is 11:20). She didn't run until 9:15 at night! She finished 28 out of 47 total runners and only one 9th grader was in front of her in the finishers list. She was 7th in her heat, passing many runners on the second half.  It was a great experience for the girls. They call this indoor track the fastest track in the world!


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