Sunday, June 2, 2024

Revel Rockies

 I ran the Revel Rockies with Margaret. I had a hip injury three weeks prior to this race and wasn't sure I would run it. I actually signed up for the half the night before thinking I would drop to that race. But, I took 12 days off, then started to run again a few miles about 10 days before the race. My hip wasn't normal, but it seemed to handle the miles some. I tapered the week before the race. During the race, I didn't feel my hip. The race was hard! The altitude got to me a little on the climbs and on the flat parts of the race. But I finished well 3:25.23. It wasn't a PR, but my second fastest marathon. I got to see and stayed with my college friend, Jamie and her family. She has a beautiful house! Margaret and I drove up Friday, ran Saturday morning, then went back to shower and then drove all the way home. We made it back to Bentonville at 1am! My legs tightened up and by the time I got home I had a hard time walking on my hip.

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