Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Last Day of Preschool

Today was the last day of Jack's preschool at First Congregational Church. Next year, he will go to St. John--which is just a few blocks away from our house. I can't wait to walk him to school! His teachers were great this year and he enjoyed the schedule and structure of preschool. He loved the art projects, playing with the dress up clothes, kitchen, dolls, Play Duh, puzzles, songs, circle time and playing outside! Oh, and the snacks! We will miss it!

Today, his class met at a nearby park for a picnic. It was a hot day, but the girls, Jack, Madeleine and I made the half mile walk there (Jack rode his bike). I guess this qualifies as the girl's first picnic! They were well behaved, especially since they missed most of their morning nap.

Last day of preschool
Miss Kathy and Miss Stephanie
Miss Nancy
Jack showing Miss Stephanie his sisters

Madeleine holding Anna

Madeleine and Elizabeth

Giving the teachers their gifts

Jack's class

Saying good-bye to Miss Nancy

Saying good-bye to Miss Stephanie

Saying good-bye to Miss Kathy

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