Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bentonville Library

I have been taking the girls to the library story time for a few weeks now. The first time we went, the girls were confused and asked me where we were. I think they were thinking about Avon Lake's library, which I still say has the best library I have been at in all the many places I have lived! I told them we were at the Bentonville library and it was so funny to hear them say "Bentonville" with all the syllables. When we picked up Jack from school, Elizabeth had to tell him we went to the Bentonville library.

They like the songs better than the stories (Kate has a hard time sitting though the reading of books), and they love the crafts. We met some friends there, too. We always meet nice people at the library story time.

Kate is standing when she is supposed to be sitting...


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