Thursday, September 26, 2013

Light Reading

Jack was waiting for Grandmom and Granddad to visit, today and decided to read outside. The book he picked was The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I don't think he understand much of the story, but he had done a great job with his reading and school work. He tested into accelerate reading (AR) about a month ago--one of just five kids in his first grade class. He reached his first goal of five points and received an award in front of the school along with other students in other grades that reached their first goal. He told me today he has taken 35 AR tests and has over 20 points. He is allowed to read after he finishes his work and during SSR (silent reading). I get emails when he takes an AR test at school and he will take about 2-3 tests a day. His reading level has increased from 1.0 to 1.7 (he has to score 100% three times to move up a level). We are so proud of how well he is doing in school. His midterm grades were all As--all subjects were 100% averages except for two (97-98%).


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