Tuesday, October 28, 2014

All Saint's Day Program

The kindergartners put on a saint's program. They have been practicing their lines for the last few weeks and did a dress rehearsal for the school today before dismissal. Then, there was a program in the evening for the parents. It was very cute. All the kids picked a saint and memorized a few lines about him/her in addition to singing songs.


Anna was St. Anne. 
"I am St. Anne. I am Mary's mother. I am the patron saint of grandmother and moms."

Elizabeth was St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
"I am St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. I opened up the first Catholic school in American. I am the patron saint of widows."

Kate was St. Catherine of Siena
"I am St. Catherine of Siena. As a child, I liked to pray the Hail Mary. I am the patron saint of nurses."

 Mrs. Moix's class

They are in the front row


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