Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wednesday with Cousins~Part One

Szczepanskis arrived late last night and everyone was up early and excited! The house was full of love and laughter (and noise!). The girls have a Christmas parade the last week of school before break so Grandmom brought some decorations to help them. Maria joined in the fun too! In the afternoon, we went up to the Walmart Museum then came home to have dinner. It was a nice day visiting everyone.

Getting ready to work on the Christmas floats with Grandmom

Emily helped the girls, then later made a float of her own.




Elizabeth & Emily

Anna, Me & Kate



Uncle Neil, Maria, Kate and Anna

Having fun in the playroom

Time for lunch!

Watching a video (of Maria's class singing a song) on my phone

Anna, Thomas & Maria

The girls decided to practice pulling their floats in the garage after they loaded them with glitter.

Anna's float theme is Jesus is the Light of the World"

Elizabeth's Theme was Little Town of Bethlehem

 Kate's Theme is "Santa Claus is coming to Town"
She didn't want too much on her float.

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