Saturday, December 5, 2015

Jack's Birthday Party

 Well, this was the best weekend to do Jack's party, so we scheduled it after pictures with Santa. He chose to have it at the YMCA so he could play with his friends. He had five other boys come and they spent two hours running around. They raced on the indoor track, played in the racquetball rooms with big balls, footballs, soccer, handball, baseball, tag and at one point they were spinning around as fast as they could go! Only boys! They also played basketball. We managed to pull them away for a few bites of pizza, cookie cake and presents. On the way home Jack told us it was his best birthday party ever, so that made us feel good.


He didn't blow any candles out the first try!

 cutting the cake, he had no clue!

 We had two racquetball rooms to use

 The girls hung out with the boys some, played with the big balls and raced the track. They also got some good basketball practicing in with Dad.


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