Saturday, December 12, 2015

Nutcracker Day One

Busy, busy weekend! The girls had dress rehearsals for the Nutcracker Friday night, Saturday morning and performances Saturday night and Sunday afternoon.

Saturday night, Mimi, Grandmom and Granddad came to watch them along with John, Jack and their friends, Amy and Emma. The girls also watched the second act after their battle scene. 

 The baby mice were clawing at Clara
 The Nutcracker's soldiers came to the rescue
 Battle scene, the Rat queen and the Nutcracker battle
The Rat queen dies and the baby mice are crying. The girls kept calling the Rat queen their mommy, haha. 
Snow scene, one of my favorites. At the end of the scene, there was "real" snow. Anna kept telling me it was "not real, but just soap."

 At the end of the snow scene, the girls were picked up and allowed to sit in with us to see Act two.

 Jack loves his new camera he got for his birthday from Mimi. He took many pictures of the girls.
 Rat queen after the show. She was so good.
 Instead of flowers, we gave the girls nutcracker dolls
 Talking to Clara

 The girls love this little girl, Bella. She danced as Clara last year and for a long time, the girls called her Clara every time they saw her at dance class. She is very sweet to the girls.

 We were so glad Mimi, Grandmom and Granddad could come watch the girls.

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