Sunday, May 29, 2016

Lake Time

Honestly for Memorial Day weekend in Indiana, it was about as nice as I can remember it. It was mid 80s, sunny and not too humid. We spend Saturday afternoon and Sunday there. The kids were mostly in the lake or on the boat. On Sunday, we celebrated two high school graduates, Erin and Jake and Margaret graduated from 8th grade. Grandmom and Granddad came for a few hours Sunday too since we didn't get to see them at all. There was a lot of baseball games, euchre games and volleyball games this weekend, too. We headed home on Monday. 
 Erin leaves for the Naval Academy on June 26th so this was the last time we will see her until Christmas! I love the way the girls love her. Like three little ducklings, they follow her everywhere

 Granddad playing with Bailey

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