Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Running Club

We are really proud of the kids this year and all the hard work they put in running club.We met on Tuesday and Thursday mornings 25 minutes before school during the year and let the kids run/walk 1/4 mile laps around the playground. We kept track of their miles and today we recognized the kids at the end of the year assembly.

The local running company donated running ear buds and Rush running jerseys. We were able to give the ear buds to those that reached a marathon (26.2 miles or 105 laps) and jerseys to those that reached two marathons (52.4 miles or 210 laps).

Top six finishers
Anna ran 48.75 miles (195 laps). She was very close to getting to the second marathon.
Kate had the second most miles with 65 miles and 260 laps

Elizabeth was 5th with 58.75 miles and 233 laps

Jack was the top finisher with over two and a half marathons. He ran 69.25 miles and 277 laps. He will get his name on a plaque as the top finisher for 2015-16.

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