Saturday, August 20, 2016

Birthday Weekend

Mimi and Aunt Mary came up to celebrate the girls birthday and it turned into a weekend celebration! On Friday night, the girls opened a few gifts since John was leaving the next day and would be there to see them open them. On Saturday, the girls got to pick out a few gifts at Barnes and Noble using their gift cards, and at Dilly Dally's. Then, they got manicures and pedicures before church. After mass, we went to Shoguns for dinner (their choice). They love the fire and show they put on while they are cooking the meal. They even got fried ice cream while the waiters sang happy birthday to them at the end of the meal. It was a busy, but fun day!

 So excited for bras...
 and mermaid costumes


Jack sat in the chair

Fried ice cream at Shoguns

playing with new toys/crafts
Aunt Mary helped color

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