Monday, August 15, 2016

First Day of School

The summer went by so fast! We had a lot of fun. The kids all said their favorite part of summer vacation was visiting family.

They were all excited to start school this year. Second and fourth grade! I think they were more excited to see their friends, rather that start school! The girls said they had a great day. Kate told me she thought the day was a lot longer than last year--I told her it was the same length of time, she will have to get used to it again. Jack learned how to switch classes. He has a new teacher for each class this year. He also had to learn how to zip up his binder. He told me he needed a bigger one to fit all his notebooks and folders, but I had to teach him the best way to close it.

The morning was much smoother than last year. For starters, it wasn't raining! We also made it to school earlier this year and had some time to take some pictures and catch up with friends. I think it is going to be a great year!

 They were so done with pictures at this point!
 So happy these boys are in the same class this year, Joey, Jack and Jack
 Francesca is in first grade, but a good friend to the girls
Standing with Ella and Scarlett

 Standing outside with Vivi
 Jack with some of his buddies, Joey, Jack and a 5th grader
 This year the girls are upstairs in the "big" hallway. 
 With their friend, Emma

 The girls with their teacher, Mrs. Hansman

Jack with his homeroom teacher, Mr. Martin

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