Sunday, September 4, 2016

Meet Rocky

The trip to Nashville was planned to pick up a new puppy. We decided to call Carter's breeder and see if she had any puppies...and she did. We had four males to pick from and it was a bit of struggle to decided, they were all so cute! We finally decided on the black on with the brown and white face. We voted on his name. Jack came up with Rocky, John like Woodruff "Woody" and I liked Duke. After seeing the puppy and the fact he is from the "Rocky Top Tennessee" we decided to go with Rocky. He is a bit of a nervous puppy, very shy, but he is getting used to the new noises, smells and routines around our house. At the vet this week, he weighed 8.4 lbs. His birthday is May 8th, so he is about 4 months old.

The girls liked this little blond one, too. 

He was nervous on the ride home

The three we left behind--his brothers

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