Monday, December 26, 2016

Celebrating Christmas with the Szczpanski Family

Do you wanna build a snowman? The kids did! Especially the ones from Arkansas and Texas. We had to hurry this morning before the rain came and melted all the snow. Grandmom and Granddad helped. Even baby Lauren helped! When they were finished, the kids all held hands and sang Frosty the was priceless. If you want to see the video, let me know, I'll send it to you.

We opened gifts in the afternoon and they had dinner (the boys fried turkeys again) after Emily's basketball game. The girls were super exited about their new dresses made from Grandmom and Jack loved his new coins.

gathering eyes and mouth rocks under the ice

The Texan mother put her in white pants...

Marie and Elizabeth reading their new books

helping Grandmom and Granddad open their gifts

Before he completely melted, Grandmom even found an old broom

Kate shared her best friends necklace with Maria and Anna gave her other half to Marie. Elizabeth is saving hers for her friend, Emma.

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