Saturday, December 3, 2016


The girls danced in the Nutcracker again this year. They were cast as angels. We had Grandmom, Granddad, Mimi and Amy come to watch them. It was a busy weekend. They had dress rehearsals Friday night and Saturday morning and performances Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. By Sunday night they were very tired to say the least!

Isabel and Vivi are in their class at school and they all take ballet together.
This little girl loves to dance

They thought Clara was so pretty
Nutcracker dolls that we gave to the girls

I worked backstage all weekend, so I was able to get a few pictures of the girls
I love this picture of the little girls watching the big girls from the side of the stage

The angels are in the back row getting ready to bow

Final bow

Another picture with Clara

The angels are in the back row

Getting ready to walk down the isle to the stage

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