Friday, February 10, 2017

Anna's Arm

Well, it was an interesting night. John dropped the girls and their friend at the gym for an open gym night. I was at a jewelry party (with my phone on silent). I missed the phone call from the gym, but John was able to pick her up when they called him. I met them in the ER, where her arm was x-rayed (both bones broken). Elizabeth was so upset by it all--the look of the arm, Anna's well-being, being in the ER... She was about hysterical when I first saw her. Anna, on the other hand, smiled when I first saw her. She was really brave and did not shed a tear in the ER, even with the IV. The radius was displaced and even had a little bit of bleeding from a bone fragment puncturing through the skin, so they had to sedate her and set the bone. Because of the medication, Anna doesn't remember this part of her ER stay (thank goodness). She did tell me she dreamed of a princess. Once they told us she needed to be sedated, John took the other kids home since it was late. After two attempts, they got the bone straightened. They put a split and sling on her arm and after she woke up, we were able to go home. It was close to midnight by the time we made it home. She will go to see an orthopedic in a few days for her cast once the swelling goes down. She is pretty happy about getting the cast, silly girl!

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