Monday, August 21, 2017

Birthday Day=Eclipse Day

The girls got up an opened up their presents before school. They wanted to bring sherbet to school for a treat, so we picked that up and headed to school. It was a special day at school because of the solar eclipse. I checked them out to watch it for a little while in the afternoon. The eclipse was 97% in Rogers. I expected it to get a little darker, but it didn't. It was pretty cool to look at, especially the shadows. After school, they picked IHOP to eat. Anna got eggs and bacon, Elizabeth had pancakes, Kate had eggs and pancakes and Jack had cheese quesadillas. The waitress brought the girls ice cream sundaes for their birthday. Then we headed home and tried to make some slime--which didn't work out very well. Then we went to gymnastics and them home for more singing and cake! Whew! It was a busy day filled with a ton of ice cream!
 Kate's requested hair style

Jack wrote them a sweet note

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