Monday, August 21, 2017


These girls turn Eight today! I can't believe how much they have grown! They are best of friends and the worst enemies at the same time. They started third grade a few days ago and are very active girls. They love all sports, but especially softball, gymnastics, ballet, golf and basketball. They recently began teaching themselves cheerleading and making up dances. They are getting ready to audition for the Nutcracker again and love to be on stage. They are independent and don't dress the same all the time anymore, but they still like to be "triplets" and will plan to wear the same clothes on different occasions. They also have learned how to do their own hair and will help each other, too. They like to put a little make-up on after their evening showers and love nail polish. All three love to sing--and dance and they are constantly talking to me, Jack, John or each other. They are growing up and becoming pretty good little girls.

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