Wednesday, May 16, 2018

End of the School Year

Jack won a math award at school. He has worked very hard this year. He was part of a small group of five kids (he is the only boy which he is not thrilled about) that completed the 5th grade AND 6th grade math curriculum this year. That means he had double the homework most nights. His group would listen to the 5th grade objective and then be pulled outside in the hall to learn the 6th grade objective. During the 4th quarter, they stayed after school on Mondays and Wednesdays to finish up all the 6th grade objectives. He will complete the 7th grade summer workbook and begin in the fall with the 7th/8th grade students that take pre-algebra. That means he will take algebra as a 7th grader and geometry as an 8th grader. This will allow him to take Calculus A/B as a junior and Calculus B/C as a senior. Not many students get to Calculus B/C unless they can take a double math at some point in their high school course. His star math grade equivalent is 8th grade which is why he was put into this Math Rocks group. We are proud of how hard he has worked.

Also, Kate read a petition at mass this week. I was working so I could not attend it, but I did get a teacher friend to video it for me.

We have a bird living under our porch
The girls are ready for the pool to open. We are getting ready to put a new liner in.

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