Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Girls 9th Birthday

 The girls started their day early with presents. They got roller blades,  pads, a ballet bag and a fake phone from us. They had opened the rest of their presents earlier this summer and are waiting for Mimi's and Aunt Susie's gift. We stopped on the way to school to get donuts, then I brought them McDonalds and ate lunch with them. After school, we went to IHOP (their choice) and they got hot chocolate with whipped cream, pancakes with whipped cream and eggs. Then, we went to their softball practice and we brought chocolate cupcakes. Finally, we celebrated with white cake and ice cream sundaes at home before bed. They had such a fun day and were able to bring slap bracelets and flarp to their classes at school. They are some lucky girls!

 This song came on the radio on the way to school
The girls decorated their own cake

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