Thursday, August 9, 2018

Meet the Teachers

Well, the kids are gearing up for another year of school. This is the first year the girls will be separated. Kate will be in Mrs. Baese's class and Anna and Elizabeth will be with Mr. Martin. Both teachers are great, and the classes switch so they will all get each teacher. The girls are excited, too. Kate is ready to be by herself and happy to have their best friend, Emma in her class. She also has Ella, Vivi and Evie in her class. Anna and Elizabeth have Emery, Anna D., Kelsie and Izzy in their class. The girls are lucky they have so many great girls (and boys) in their class. Both the 4th grade teachers are so awesome, they are going to have a great year. Jack was put in Mrs. Zonlak's class. He was hoping for Mrs. McCarty (Emma's mom), but knew he probably wasn't going to get her since we are really good friends with that family. Jack is happy to be with his friend, Connor and he really likes Mrs. Zonlak, too.

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