Friday, October 30, 2020

HCAA Conference XC Meet

The kids had their final cross country meet of the season today. The school joined a new conference this year in conjunction with OK private schools so there were kids that they didn't run against all year. Of course, this was only the girls' third meet. It was at Siloam Springs XC course. The girls were really nervous because they really wanted to improve on their times and the second meet was long so this was their last chance. Anna finished second, 13:07 setting a new PR by about 1:30 seconds. Kate was 7th with a time of 13:30. She almost beat the St. Joe 6th grader that she really wanted to pass at the end. Less than a second! Elizabeth finished 8th at 13:33. They were all very happy with their times. The girls won the conference meet, too. The best part of that was the team that came in second, Providence was the team that complained after the first meet that there were 6th graders running. In that first meet, our girls finished 2nd overall as a team and Providence we beat them! The boys finished 3rd overall as a team but I think everyone set a new PR. Jack came from 4th to finish 2nd in the last 50 yards of the race. He set a new PR of 12:16. He took a full minute off his time from the start of the season and two minutes from last year's PR. There were about 70 boys that ran and 70 girls that ran. The kids had their track coach come to cheer them on, Coach Mike and also their basketball coach, Coach Rick and his daughter and our babysitter, Madie. What a way to finish the season!


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