Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas with the Scudders

 Geemaw and Peepaw did not come to Indiana this year because of COVID, but we still celebrated with the rest of the family. The kids opened up their gifts they shipped to our house on Christmas while we facetimed them. We got up at 3am the day after Christmas and left at 4 to drive to the Frazier's house to celebrate. We made it there around 3pm. The kids did a little gift exchange and had a lot of fun playing in a ping pong tournament. John S. ended up winning the whole thing this year like last year. After gifts, we had Mexican for dinner and plenty of cookies, pie and candy. Elizabeth loved her cotton candy maker, Jack loved his s'more maker and Anna loved her skateboard. Kate was excited about her slippers and all three girls loved the picture of Ollie and them. Jack got some nice Birkenstocks and a cool golf vest.

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