Thursday, February 4, 2021

Girls First Game at SVdP

 The girls had the opportunity to play on the girls 7/8th team because of some girls that were quarantined and they needed players. They practiced two times with the team. They played St. Joes and the game was pretty close until the 3rd quarter when St. Joes pulled away. The final score was 19-11. Anna made it in the varsity game in the 3rd quarter and had a steal and chance for a lay up, but was blocked because of her height. Her friends cheering on the stage were so excited for her. There was a 5th quarter that all three played in against St. Joes 6/7th grade. Kate scored the first basket, but the final score was 4-2. It was a nice chance for the girls to play. I think they will really enjoy playing at the school next year. 

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