The girls decided to try a track meet with their coach and track club, Power Up Track. We drove up on Friday night and loved the new hotel. We got up early and made our way to the HIVEE Convention Center in Kansas City. Elizabeth ran the mile first and set a new PR of 6:18:05 and came from behind in the last 60 meters to win her age group 11-12 year olds. She also ran the 400 and 200. She finished 11th 1:16:43 in the 400 and was 11th in the 200 with a 32.20. Anna won the 800 with a time of 2:55:11. She finished 12th in the 200 with a time of 32:25, and 4th in the 400 with a time of 1:11:74. Kate finished 7th in the 60 meter with a time of 9:35. She finished 6th in the 400 with a time of 1:12:90. She finished 5th in the 200 with a time of 30.75. Overall they did great and had a great first experience.
Anna running the 800
Kate running the 60
Mile run: both boys and girls ran at the same time. Elizabeth was in the back at the start of the race
The end of the mile. Elizabeth came from behind to win
These are the records at SVdP that the girls are reaching for
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