Sunday, June 26, 2022

Region 16 Qualifier--Track and Field, Carl Junction, MO

Anna was not ready to run yet because of her leg. It is getting better, but she does not have the confidence yet to attempt to run. Kate and Elizabeth ran in four events over three days and qualified to the Jr. Olympic Nationals in all four events. The temps were over 100* and there was so much competition in their age group. Kate and Elizabeth both did the triple jump Friday evening. Kate jumped 29' and Elizabeth had a PR of 28'. They finished 2nd and 3rd. Kate ran the 800 (2:37.0). I had to leave to take Jack to the airport, but she ran great. She passed about four girls in the last 100m to finished 6th and take the last qualifying spot. Saturday morning, Elizabeth and Kate ran the 3000m and finished 4th and 5th (12:20.03 and 12:25.47). It was already so hot, and they were about 15-20 seconds from their PR at the State meet a few weeks ago. We went home for a few hours because it was so hot, then we went back with Marie and the other Wakefields to watch the girls run the 4x800 relay. There were only two teams, so they didn't run their fastest. We had an alternate run for all, Payton from school. They finished and qualified to Nationals. They didn't run until 10pm and we had to drive home! We had to drive back early the next morning for Elizabeth to run the 1500m. She had a nice last 300m and came from the pack of three girls running in 5,6,7th and ended up passing the girl in 4th place too, so she finished 4th. We didn't know her time until the next morning and it was a big PR of 5:24.47. 


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