Saturday, February 11, 2023

Valentines 8K

This is a PR distance race for the girls and it was meant as a strength test. They were paced by Coach Lunde. They started their first mile at 7:30, then 7:15, then 7:00, then to give what they had left. Coach Lunde stayed with Kate that kept pushing. She finished at 34:50.2, Anna was next at 35:19.3, and Elizabeth was next with a 35:38.9. They finished 1,2,3 in their age group. Kate ended up puking near the finish...she does this sometimes. She didn't stop though and had negative splits the entire race. I finished second in my age group. This was a 5 mile run after I ran 13 earlier to make it a total of 18 for the day. I stayed a little behind Elizabeth and at one point thought I could catch her, but then she hit the hill at the end and that was the end of me catching her. I finished at 35:46.9.


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