Saturday, February 18, 2023

Wichita State University--North American High School and Youth Indoor Track Mee

We drove to Wichita nice and early (4am!). The girls wanted to compete in one more indoor track meet before outdoor track season starts in a few weeks. They all wanted to try high jump. They had no experience with it, so they were pretty excited to get past the opening height of 3-6. Kate cleared 3-8 and missed at 3-10. Elizabeth (and their friend Vivi who also had no experience) cleared 3-10 but missed at 4-0. Anna cleared 4-0 on her third attempt, and missed at 4-2. Anna ran the 1500m for the first time this year and ran 5:19:01. It was a few seconds from her PR. Kate ran the 800m in 2:31.26, about a second from her PR. Elizabeth ran the 3k in 11:27.96, about 7 seconds from her PR. 


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