Monday, April 6, 2009

End of the First Trimester

I had another appointment today. There really isn't too much to report. The doctor used the Doppler to hear each of the babies heartbeats. Two were really distinct. One was behind the other two so the heartbeat was faint. They were beating in the 150s and 160s. Other than that, I measured fine and my blood pressure was great. I won't go back for 5 weeks. I made my next appointment for Monday, May 11. This is the same day as our ultrasound. Hopefully we will know the genders after this appointment. (Get your guesses in now!) The doctor today mentioned that we will probably get ultrasounds done every 2-3 weeks starting around 18-20 weeks so they can start to measure the babies individually. I can't believe it is the end of the first trimester. These babies will be here before we know it!

PS Happy Birthday to my little sister. Can't wait to see you and John this weekend!!

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