I saw a different doctor today and he was impressive. He reviewed all the signs of preterm labor and shared with me some stories of other women with triplets. After checking me out, he gave me the thumbs-up. No signs of preterm labor, good blood pressure (90/68), cervix, weight gain and measurements. He suggested I start to slow down my activity at 24 weeks. No bed rest, he stressed, but he thought it would be good to limit some of my activities. Making dinner is fine, he said, but spending the day at Six Flags would not be a good idea past 24 weeks. So, thanks to my family, we are going to have different groups of people come up to help us out starting at 24 weeks--which is only 3 weeks away! We are so blessed to have such wonderful family members to offer up their time, effort and energy to help us out during this these summer months.
Now, on to the babies. The ultrasound went well. They were able to get all the pictures they couldn't get two weeks ago and everything looked fine. The babies are really growing well. I have almost 3# of baby! Between the three of them, they have put on 12 oz in two weeks! Amazing how they fit in there. During the ultrasound I would keep seeing one baby's legs, arms or booty moving into another baby's territory. They sure are going to like to be close together when they come out. The tech also rechecked the genders and was able to see Baby A this time. Three little girls. This is hard for me to grasp. I guess since I had a boy first, I kept thinking these were boys too. It is hard not to compare pregnancies. I didn't really picture myself with girls. In fact, today I called Baby B a "he" to my sister on the phone. I have to get used to this for sure.
The ultrasound tech didn't give us very good pictures. All the babies were lying face down with their spines up so you have to use your imagination to see them. You can see a profile of their faces pointing down.
Baby A: The biggest today at 15 oz (two weeks ago she weighed 10 oz). She is in the 55th percentile.
Heart Rate: 143
Measurements: 21 weeks, 3 days (By dates, I am 20 weeks, 5 days)
Still head down and ready to go first
Her head is to the right of this picture-face down
Heart Rate: 139
Measurements: 20 weeks, 2 days
Her head is to the left of this picture-face down
Heart Rate: 150
Measurements: 21 weeks, 0 days
This poor little girl has her sister's (baby B) rear and legs moving in all different directions near her head and body. She also sits the highest up in my belly and even into my rib cage.
Her head is to the left of this picture-face down
Next appointment is two weeks away, Monday, June 8th. No ultrasound will be done at this time. From here on out I go every two weeks for a doctor's appointment and every 4 weeks for an ultrasound. I am hoping to make it another 11 weeks at least--32 weeks is great and anything thereafter will be even better. We are so thankful for the great care at Northwestern and all the special doctors and nurses that are making this pregnancy as easy as possible. And, to all our family and friends who have lent helping hands with Jack and projects around the house. Thanks doesn't cover it, we are truly blessed.