We spent a long weekend in Destin, FL with Mimi and Papa and Aunt Mary. The condo was a friend of the family's and it was beautiful! I think it is the middle building pictured below. Jack kept calling it, "Mimi's pretty house, high in the sky." It was cute. The condo was on the 14th floor and the views of the beach were beautiful. The weather was perfect, 80-85 degrees and sunny except the last day it rained (we almost didn't make it back to Chicago).
Jack's first airplane trip. He loved to look out the window and see the "big airplanes"

The pool at the condo. We pretty much had this to ourselves. The water temperature was 85 degrees...like bath water
Jack and Papa take a break at the pool
Mimi and Aunt Mary sit with Jack on the steps
This water faucet was Jack's favorite game. He would fill up his bucket, water the flowers, and wash his toys
Plus, when he got thirsty, he could get a drink from it!
John showing off to me. Nice form!
The Scudder Family on the beach. In just a few short months, the size of our family will double in size. I am 17.5 weeks pregnant with the triplets.
Jack loved to be on Dad's shoulders when he got tired of walking on the sand
Venturing into the ocean
This is as far as John made it into the ocean this trip. Actually this is farther than he normally gets!

Jack loved the sand. It was one big sandbox to him. And he could throw the sand anywhere he wanted!

Aunt Mary, Mimi, Mama and Jack enjoying the ocean

This was a fun place to visit. The bar was called Rum Runners. It is hard to tell in the picture, but there were two guys taking requests to play any song on the piano. They would sing the songs too. It was amazing how many songs they knew! They were really good and fun to listen to.
Jack is trying to negotiate a piece of watermelon gum from Aunt Mary. The watermelon gum became a staple for Jack on this trip. We had to stop by Walgreens for some more when Aunt Mary ran out.
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